Yoga & Ayurvéda
Pour soigner les Maladies de Civilisation
Octobre 2018
Au-delà d’une école de Yoga & Ayurveda, Svādhyāyā se veut aussi être un centre d’études et de recherches, autour des médecines, traditions et méthodes de soin et guérison.
Dans cet objectif nous avons l’honneur de vous annoncer la réalisation d’un projet de longue haleine autour d’un sujet qui nous concerne tous, et de plus en plus nombreux les MALADIES DE CIVILISATION & COMMENT LES SOIGNER GRACE AU YOGA ET À L’AYURVEDA.
Au programme, une vingtaine de vidéo-conférences, en français et en anglais, en préparation et mises en ligne en octobre prochain.
SatNam 📿
"Healing the Diseases of Civilization
through Yoga & Ayurveda"
Octobre 2018
Illnesses are disturbances in the way the body or mind functions and are either subjective or objective. Many illnesses are caused by the behaviour of the person. Nowadays, civilisation illnesses are considered as the biggest health risk for human beings.
Civilisation Illnesses
A civilisation illness is an illness of which the development is strongly associated with the general lifestyle in the so called civilised countries. Civilisation illnesses develop as a consequence of inadequate use of civilised achievements. The development of civilisation illnesses is, to a large extent, based on behaviour. It is possible to avoid many risk factors of civilisation illnesses by leading a particular lifestyle.
The most common civilisation illnesses are:
- Cardiovascular illnesses (high blood pressure, heart attacks, arteriosclerosis)
- Metabolic illnesses (diabetes mellitus, gout, increased cholesterol levels)
- Mental illnesses (addictions, depression, dementia, anxiety disorders, bipolarity, stress...)
- Being overweight, obesity, anorexia nervosa
- Cancer
- Illnesses of the musculoskeletal system, chronic back aches, arthritis
- Allergies, skin disorders
Causes for Civilisation Illnesses:
- Lack of physical activity is considered the main cause of civilisation illnesses.
- Eating incorrectly or eating in excess are classical risk factors for all civilisation illnesses.
- Insufficient alternation between hot and cold stimuli.
- Stress
- Environmental stress
- Risk factors such as smoking and alcohol consumption
Civilisation illnesses can basically not be traced back to one single cause. It is ultimately a variety of risk factors which lead to civilisation illnesses.
How can Ayurveda help?
More than a mere system of treating illness, Ayurveda is a science of life (Ayur = life,Veda = science or knowledge). It offers a body of wisdom designed to help people stay vital while realizing their full human potential.
An important goal of Ayurveda is to identify a person’s ideal state of balance, determine where they are out of balance, and offer interventions using diet, herbs, aromatherapy, pancha karma treatments, music, and meditation to reestablish balance.
Life style diseases are also called as the diseases of longevity or diseases of civilization.
Medecine & Life Style Changes
Over 50 years the food pattern changed considerably which changed our diet by the use of lots of processed foods, foods with saturated fats, foods with sugar content less and less fruits and vegetables. The result is drastic change which shows 28% carbohydrates, 12% protein, 40% fats and 20% sugar, though the requirement remains almost the same. This can be understood as the midhya ahara practices in Ayurveda.
Ayurveda has answers for physical, mental, social and spiritual illness of a person. It treats the body as a whole not only the affected part where deformation is visible. Ayurvedic system has same importance to the preventive as well as to the curative aspects and a cure according to the severity of the disease. As all the disease development due to life style changes are purely individual based, no other systems can provide a clear prediction of what disease this patient can develop. Ayurveda by considering his prakruthi and the life style, can help in so many manners, including diets & detox programs, Yoga practice and meditation, herbs, minerals, mantras, and Nature’s wisdom of Mother Earth.
Ancient Wisdom on a New Path
More Informations and Contact:
Armanda Dos Santos
+33 6 17 93 15 15